Saturday 22 September 2007

IDC about what you have to say!

IDC = I don't care. New abbreviation!

What I really don't like that's starting to come about right now, is the whole IDC about your subtle advice attitude that some users on Sheezyart have.

I know Sheezy isn't exactly the home of all great literature, nor is it the Shangri-La for all proficient authors, but that doesn't mean that it should be filled with people who think ASCII is a form of literature, or people who attempt to write a love sonnet in text speak.

And d'you know the worst thing? DO YOU KNOW the worst thing? When you comment on some of these authors' art, and tell them subtly about practice and leaning away from fan-fiction, they don't pay attention! They act as if you're just there for show, and don't really have anything to say!

An example? Upon reading a certain story (No specific targeting here, sir!), I felt the need to fill the gaps in quality of the piece by leaving some constructive criticism. The poster of this story, shortly after my comment, leaves a reply saying "Hey if u don't like it dont read lol".

Please spare me the egotistical drivel. If you feel you don't have space for improvement, even when it's handed to you on a plate with some mint leaves on the side, then maybe you should send your works to a publisher, have then wipe their rumps with it and inform you of it afterwards.

Or worse, have the publishers give you back the crap you handed them and listen to them say: "TL:DR", or "We didnt like so we didnt read lol" A taste of your own medicine.

Then you get the people who wouldn't know grammar if it made a Death Note pie and shoved it in their face, and who clearly type with their eyes closed. Ordinarily I wouldn't have a problem with them, but when one of the IDC ones write a story which I comment on (with constructive criticism, as always) they seem so insulted. It's as if they feel they have the right to defend their clearly illegible leet-speak gibberish! Some of them even act as if I'm a hater.

(OT: At this point, I would like to say, that I am one of those people on Sheezyart who actually DO know how to constructively criticise people without saying "YOUR ART IS FULL OF FAIL". I know what I'm talking about here.)

Now there are the nice ones who acknowledge their problem and take your crits with a :)! Nice people! Nice... but the others have to go and ruin that.

Don't think that these type of people only exist in the art field of writing, either. You get graphical artists who draw Naruto so many times that they can't draw anything else, you get Flash artists who insist on using crudsy shape tweens, and idiots who spend most of their time making flaming journals about SheezyCast (cough, cough)

For this week, let's try and rid ourselves of that IDC attitude, shall we? Make the world a happy place, with dancing snakes, and a self-repairing ozone layer, with dog-business that puts ITSELF in the bin.

PokeyStix is, uh... out.

Now playing: Reverend and the Makers - Bandits
via FoxyTunes

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