Saturday 29 December 2007

Musing 2: A Backlog

I didn't grow up in an Evangelical Church, in fact I grew up in different churches... so I don't know everything about Evangelical churches.. but I've heard people talking in tongues enough to know what it sounds like. And just today, as I sat in Willesden Evangelical Church, listening to a rather loud and vigorous sermon, something dawned on me.

Did people speak in tongues in the time of the Puritans?

I mean, some people must have... if tongues existed in the days of the Bible, then it must've existed then too.

Which brings me to my other hang-up; were people falsely accused of being witches because they spoke in tongues?

The Puritans, if I remember persecuted those who were suspected of witchcraft, who's to say those who spoke in tongues weren't burned at the stake as well?

Or maybe the Puritans and Catholics knew what tongues were, and identified them as something godly.

Just thinking.

Now playing: Goldfrapp - Beautiful
via FoxyTunes

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